b'PRINCIPALAny College year is filled withfrom within, for greatness lies within theAt the Annual Awards Evening, the opportunities for development,palm of our hands. I hope all studentsaward recipients were acknowledged achievements, personal growth,persisted in their pursuit of excellencefor their outstanding contribution to the learnings, challenges and many othersin all domains of their development. learning and co-curricula environment that add value to the culture of theof the College. It is through their College. The College theme for 2018IN 2018, THE COLLEGE STRATEGICdiligence that the high standards, set Live the Gospel is based on the EREADIRECTION JOURNEY CONTINUEDby the students, continue to rise and touchstone of Gospel Spirituality.WITH GREAT VIGOUR AS WEtherefore, supporting the Colleges This theme provided all members ofINTRODUCED THREE NEWpositive environment. Their pursuit for the College with a great insight intoOBJECTIVES TO OUR ANNUALtheir personal best and the search for the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice.IMPROVEMENT PLAN.excellence should be an example for all His compassion, his thirst for justiceTHESE INCLUDED: students. An education at St Dominics for those on the margin and his energyCollege provides you with a toolbox to to educate the very poor and illiterate 1.3 Enhance student and staffsteer you in a direction that supports youth in Waterford, Ireland.wellbeing through the developmentyou to live the values that we cultivate. This provide us with the inspiration toof right relationships By following these values, each student emulate his words into action. Edmund 3.2 Continue to acknowledge andwill be guaranteed that their work will sought to raise up the poor throughcelebrate contributions of studentsbe crowned with the goodness that God education so that they could take theirand staff has planted within them. Our students rightful place in a society oppressed by 3.3 Continue the legacy of theare well on their way of crowning institutionalised injustice and ignorance.Christian Brothers and the charismtheir good deeds as a result of their His gospel spirituality and passionof Blessed Edmund Rice achievements in 2018. for justice shaped his vision for theThe College Master Building PlanThe College was once again honoured liberating power of a holistic education. gained real momentum in 2018 withat our Annual Award Evening withIn 2018, we as a communityEREA approving our building plans ina former student who provided the were charged with these samedeveloping contemporary facilities tokeynote address. Mr Stuart Ayres responsibilities of being compassionatesupport the learning environment ofachievements since leaving St Dominics to those within our communitythe College. College has been nothing short than especially those who are less fortunateremarkable. He has proven that coming than us, by demonstrating justice forAll members of the community,from the Western Suburbs of Sydney those oppressed by society and tostaff, students and parents, have ashould not be a hindrance to achieving actively develop a world were peace isresponsibility to ensure the successfulremarkable things. I hope that, like a part of everyones life through livingimplementation of this strategic plan soMr Ayres, the young gentlemen of St the gospel values. I truly hope that ourthat Dominics College remains faithfulDominics College understand the students were able to respond to thisto its vision and mission, to EREA and tovalue of education and the liberation it challenge and make St Dominics athe wider Catholic community. brings especially in the development better place throughout the year. Unlocking the potential that exists in allof the whole person. On behalf of the students continues to be a driving forceCollege, I thank Mr Ayres for his words Each new school year also providesfor all those involved in educating theof hope and encouragement and that great optimism for every member ofsons of St Dominics. Whether it be inthese words become the inspiration for the College community. It was theacademic, sporting, cultural or socialanother St Dominics student as they responsibility of the students to seizejustice, 2018 provided all students theunlock their true potential.the day, unite as one, as we have theopportunity to pursue their hopes and power to liberate our hearts and mindsdreams so that they can excel and be so that we are inspired, empowered andinspired to do their personal best.hope-filled for success. Change comes 8|St Dominics College Yearbook 2018'